Sunday, September 11, 2022


I actually only heard this term recently. It refers to a vegan who is an “evangelical” about veganism. It’s a vegan who wants to spread the vegan message far and wide and speaks little of anything else..

Vegangelists are hard-core vegans who feel compelled to share the word of veganism and follow it daily as you would a religion.

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Joke Is On Me

As a lapsed Catholic, one who went to both public and Catholic schools from age 10 up, grew up in a religious atmosphere, was an alter-boy in training (my Mother's wish, not mine) I grew to have a sense of humor about religion. We made up names for all the nuns, priests and jesuits that abused us (verbally) along with some occasional knuckle bashing and ear pulling.

Everyone takes their faith so seriously it's hard not to poke fun at the whole experience now that we are grown ups and can laugh about things that might not have been so funny when we experienced them.

This is what I'm trying to do here with Mark the Meatless Monk, so call this place a site for religious-based humor with a vegan theme, tongue planted firmly in cheek.

The Monkees said it Best - I'm A Believer   

I have no official religious affiliation at this time although I guess you could call me a believer. I do have a sort of faith, I'm just not a big fan of organized religion. God and me make a pact in Vietnam in 1969, when I served as a Marine Combat Engineer and to this day I have never told a soul.

I am new to being a Vegan, Vegans and Veganism. At 73 I was headed over the cliff so I began by not eating meat. After seeing more documentaries detailing the cruelty and the effects of animal agriculture on the planet I couldn't in good conscience continue with dairy either. I continue to get more educated with books on the subject and the more I read the more I know vegans are on the right path. 

But That Does NOT Mean I lost my Sense of Humor!

There Isn't One

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Together We Transform Lives


Vegan Missionary work means:

  • Following the Science - read what these doctors say, Dr. CampbellDr Greger, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Esselstyn
  • Loving and Serving Vegetables and Fruit to Others Before Yourself.
  • Sharing the Word of Plant-Based eating.
  • Making Vegan Disciples Who Help spread the word.
  • Caring For The Planet.
  • Living without harming the Animals
  • Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone to promote a meatless society when the whole world seems against you.
  • Trusting that Plant-Based Food is good for the animals and environment.
  •  And a little VEGAN humor goes a long way!